Early childhood education service checklist
Published on Thursday, 18 May 2017
Last updated on Friday, 17 December 2021

Here is a useful checklist covering the questions parents should consider when choosing an early childhood education (ECE) service for their child.
Before You Visit/Over the phone
Does the ECE service have vacancies or is there a waiting list? |
Where is the ECE service located and how will you travel there? Would you prefer it to be closer to home, work or a family member’s home? Is it close to public transport or car parking? |
What are the hours of operation and which days of the year is it closed? |
Can you change your days of care if your work situation changes? How much notice will you be required to give? |
What is the procedure if you are running late to pick up your child? What fees will be charged? |
What is the overall fee structure and does the service receive 20 Hours ECE? How is this processed? |
Can the ECE service provide advice on applying for government subsidies, such as Work and Income’s Childcare Assistance? |
Does the ECE service offer the style of care you’re looking for? Can it meet your requirements in terms of activities, learning, values, language and culture? |
Are there age restrictions for enrolment? |
How much involvement will be required of you and your family? |
Do they offer the services you require, such as meals, nappies and/or specific activities? |
Does this ECE service care for a small or large group of children? What size would suit your child? |
Does the ECE service offer an induction program which you and your child can participate in? |
During your Visit - Initial impressions
Do you and your child feel welcome? |
Can you hear laughter and the sound of children playing? |
Are adults and children respectful of, and kind to, each other? |
Do the children seem happy, relaxed and absorbed in their tasks? |
Do staff members seem interested in your child and did they make an effort to talk to them? |
If there is a reception area, is it clean, tidy and organised? |
Do the rooms seem well-organised, clean and tidy? |
Were you offered introductions to carers and a tour of the ECE service? |
What is available for children’s learning and play? |
Do you and your child like the outdoor and indoor spaces? |
Are there opportunities for your child to be challenged? |
How many kids are enrolled and would this be overwhelming for your child? |
Is the ECE service licensed? If so, does it meet its licensing criteria and comply with the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008? |
Does the ECE service get reviewed by the Education Review Office (ERO)? When was it last assessed? |
What was its ERO report rating, strengths and next steps for development? |
Does the ECE service seem safe and secure? |
Did the carers greet you at the door and sign you in? |
Are the carers easy to identify and do they wear name badges? |
Health and safety
Are there procedures in place to document any accidents? |
Is there an established fire drill and are exits clearly marked? |
How will you be advised if your child is sick or has an accident? |
What action are you required to take if your child is sick or has an accident? |
Is there a teacher or adult available at all times who can administer CPR and first aid? |
Are the carers able to administer medication? |
Does the ECE service have a sun protection policy? |
Are children required to wear hats and sun block whenever they are outside? |
Where do children sleep? What sort of mattresses and coverings are used? Are you required to purchase a set of sheets? Can your child bring their own blankets? |
Where are nappies changed? Does the area look clean and hygienic? |
What is the ECE service’s hand washing policy? |
What is the procedure in case of a breakout of a communicable illness? |
Lines of communication
Were you given a copy of the ECE service’s operating policies and procedures? |
Do you agree with the ECE service’s philosophy? |
Do you understand what your responsibilities and obligations will be? |
Do you understand what the ECE service will take responsibility for? |
Will you be required to authorise or provide separate permission for administration of medications and extra curricular activities? |
How will you receive feedback about your child's day? Information may include preferred activities, food eaten, children played with and so on. |
In what way/s and how often does the ECE service communicate to parents and family about their child’s learning and development? |
Are there regular newsletters to keep parents informed about what's going on in the ECE service? |
How should you contact the ECE service if you need to talk to staff about something? Should you call, make an appointment, email or drop in? |
Management, staff and supervision
Is the ECE service teacher-led or whānau/parent-led? |
Who manages the ECE service? Can you meet them? |
Does the manager also supervise the staff? |
What are the staff to child ratios at the ECE service? How much individual attention does each child get? Will your child be assigned to a group with a primary caregiver? How many adults are available to the children overall? |
What background checks are completed on staff? |
What qualifications and experience do staff members have? What percentage are qualified ECE teachers? |
What is the staff turnover rate? |
Is there a balance between older and younger carers, and men and women? |
Does the ECE service have staff members from a range of ethnic backgrounds? |
Does the ECE service have a clear procedure for dealing with complaints against staff? What is it? |
Does the ECE service hold adequate insurance? |
Do staff members interact with children or have a minding role? |
Are children supervised at all times? |
How do staff members deal with behavioural issues? |
What will happen if your child becomes upset for some reason? |
If your child has/will have a sibling at the ECE service, will they be separated from each other? |
Are the staff warm and engaged in what they’re doing? |
Do you feel comfortable approaching staff to chat and ask questions? |
What are the daily fees? | |||||
Can you claim the Child Care Subsidy? | |||||
Does the service offer 20 hours ECE? | |||||
Food and mealtimes
Are there high standards for food preparation and cleanliness? |
Is all food cleaned up after snack and meal times? |
What time is food offered? Is food available outside of these times if children are hungry? |
Are children allowed to eat at their own pace? |
What happens if your child doesn't eat at the designated time? |
Is water offered and available all day? |
What food/beverages are you expected to provide? |
How does the ECE service cope with food allergies and intolerances? |
Can the ECE service accommodate individual dietary requirements? |
Is there a weekly menu on display? Does it look interesting and varied? |
Does the ECE service have a nutrition policy and do you agree with the policy? |
What is your ECE service's approach to cakes/birthday treats? |
Daily timetable
Does the ECE service have a daily timetable which you can see? |
Can your child's individual needs be accommodated if necessary? |
What sleep routine does the ECE service have? |
What is the procedure for children who don't want to sleep? |
Is the building light and pleasant to be in with good ventilation and/or air-conditioning? |
Does the building seem well maintained? |
Is there plenty of space for the children to play? |
Does the outside play equipment accommodate children of all different ages? |
Is there an outside area with plenty of shade? |
Are there places where children can go for quiet play? |
Are the toilets and sinks clean and easy for the children to use? |
Are the sleeping areas separate to the play areas? |
Do children of different ages have separate areas to play or do they interact? |
Toys and equipment
Is there a wide range of toys and books provided for the children? |
Are the toys at the right height for children to reach? |
Can you see a range of toys suitable for children of all age groups? |
Do the toys look clean and intact? |
Can parents and children get involved in decisions about the purchase of new toys and equipment? |
Do staff members help children play with the toys? |
Planned activities and programs
In what way does the ECE service follow the Te Whāriki curriculum? How are individual learning programmes created? And what will your child learn? |
Does the ECE service offer documented diaries or learning stories where parents can view the activities of the day? |
Are there online/social networking forums where parents can keep track of their children during the day? |
Is there a set daily routine? |
Does the ECE service offer a range of programmes for the children to participate in? |
Do these programmes cater for all ages? How are these programmes developed? Are they designed to be educational? Do they take into account the cultural and religious diversity in the group? |
What percentage of your child's day will be spent on planned programmes and what percentage will be spent on free play? |
Are there opportunities for your child to make choices about activities that reflect their interests? |
Does the ECE service enable children to participate in activities they might not be able to do at home, such as painting, water play, collage making and playing in a sandpit? |
Does the ECE service do excursions? If so, what is the cost and how are they managed? |
Babies and toddlers
Is a primary caregiver assigned to babies and/or toddlers? |
What is the staff to child ratio for babies and/or toddlers? |
If your child is breastfed, is this encouraged and supported? And, if so, how? |
How are babies fed at mealtimes? |
How will the ECE service support you in toilet-training your child? |
If you wish to use cloth nappies, is this encouraged? |
Identity, language and culture
Will the ECE service celebrate and support your child as a bilingual learner? And, if so, how? |
Are there teachers or adults that share the language/s your child speaks at home? |
Are there conversations held in the language/s that your child speaks at home between children and children, or adults and children? |
Are there examples of labelling, pictures, play equipment etc that reflects the written language and culture of your whānau and other families enrolled in the ECE service? |
Special education needs
What experience do the teachers and adults have in supporting children with similar needs to your child? |
How will teachers and/or adults engage with the things your child is passionate about? |
How will teachers and/or adults ensure your child is welcomed by the other children and can learn alongside them? |
What experience have other parents of children with special education needs have with the ECE service? |
Is there suitable access to rooms and toilet facilities? |
What are the grounds like? Are they level, or uneven and steep? |
Is there good off-street parking for easy access? |
Is the ECE service close to anything that may cause noise distractions, such as an airport or main road? |
What support is there if I think my child needs help? Is there someone in particular I can talk to about their early learning and/or development? |
For a printable version of the checklist click here.
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